
Greatness Is Your Birthright


Sometimes, all we need is “that someone” who fully believes in us, even when we don’t believe in ourselves. I am here to help you create the life you want. I help you set up the pieces for success in your own life and then you do the creating.

Every session is unique to you. You show up, and I show up. And when we both fully show up, magical things can happen.

3 ways I support my clients.

  1. IMPROVED PERFORMANCE: Whether it be in a sport, a career, or personal life, my clients improve performance with visualization, hypnosis, and mindfulness. When the conscious and subconscious mind are rowing in the same direction, the body comes into Flow/Zone. When clients enter this state, performance excels.


  2. STRENGTHEN YOUR MIND: I help clients improve their mental game, confidence, and self-esteem, which results in improved performance. Mental toughness isn’t something you are born with. Like a muscle, the more you train for mental toughness, the stronger and more resilient you become.


  3. RELEASE THE BAGGAGE: I support my clients through navigating all the rest of “Life’s Stuff,” that can get in the way of achieving your dreams. Including but not limited to, fear, worries, doubts, an unsupportive family, an unsupportive work environment, etc. My clients feel supported, safe, and comfortable to navigate any situation life throws their way. My clients learn to adapt to circumstances, release tension, take risks, remain persistent, and pursue excellence.

But above all, you’ll learn how to stay in the game. There will be times in life when nothing seems to work, but you stay in the game. Safe is the enemy of success. There are no failures, just feedback. Failure and mistakes are necessary parts of the process because they are how you grow and learn.

As Samuel Beckett once said:


“Try again. Fail again. Fail better.”


Lastly, I don’t complicate the process. No need to jump through a bunch of extra hoops. Simple is best. I help you find your own answers.