
One-on-One Coaching/Hypnosis Sessions

Working with me is a powerful experience. I help you enjoy the ride and live your best life without limitations. My motto is “Go Your Own Way.” Create the life you want, and find what makes you come alive. I help you unlock the power of your subconscious mind, experience greater peace and alignment, and shift how you relate to the world around you.

My coaching is highly personalized and tailor made for you. I do not work with a lot of clients so that I can specialize in my clients. We are all so used to running through life, but the real magic happens when we slow down.

Outstanding coaching occurs because of long, slow conversations. It occurs because I give you my complete focus. It occurs because you know that I am here for you, that you are important to me, and that I believe in you.

When considering the possibilities of working with me, consider these questions:

What’s possible if we worked together?
How would it be worth it to you?
What would you like to change?
What do you want?
Why don’t you have it now?


Group Sessions and Workshops

Group energy can be very powerful and inspiring. It is for this reason that I love group work. I work with sports teams, employees, students, and more. Group session details are announced through my newsletters and social media, so keep a look out for them!


Speaking Engagements

I have extensive experience speaking to large groups of students, athletes, professionals, corporations, doctors, attorneys, and more, regarding a variety of topics.

I help inspire people to transform their lives. I share stories, experiences, lessons and insight into the power of our mind, hypnotherapy, NLP, mindfulness, breathwork, visualizing, commitment and more. I help people narrow their focus and take action to achieve their goals.

Interested in having me speak to your students, athletes, employees, or community?

Contact me to begin the process.

(818) 306-5244